EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Certified Project Manager online course

Certified Project Manager online course supporting R&I work in a Finnish UAS


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


This presentation will show how research support services can support R&I project managers more effectively and with limited resources. 

At Laurea University of Applied Sciences (UAS), the aim is to support all externally funded research and innovation (R&I) projects, from the proposal preparation to the end of the project. In practice, this is not possible due to limited personnel resources. Because of this, the potential proposals need to be evaluated for allocating support resources. The number of externally funded R&I projects has increased over the years. Annually, Laurea UAS runs approximately 135 R&I projects, of which 50 are international and 85 national.

Pre-award services include, for example, funding instrument-related training, idea sparring, consortium building, proposal quality assurance, writing specific text sections, and info letters of open and forthcoming calls. The proposal process starts by applying for preparation permission and screening the proposal idea based on specific categories in a joint meeting. The allocation of support services is done in this meeting, too. The extent of support is allocated based on the given instrument, the experience in proposal preparation, and the strategic importance of the proposal topic for the organisation.

At Laurea UAS, as part of the personnel R&I competence development, all R&I project managers are supposed to complete a project manager training programme before starting work as an R&I project manager. The training programme is called the Certified Project Manager Programme (CPM) and is intended for all Laurea personnel, especially those who intend to work or work as R&I project managers. The CPM has been organised in Laurea UAS since 2016 and as an online training programme, MOOC, since November 2022. By the end of July 2023, 24 people had completed the online course version. The idea for the programme arose from the need to increase the project management competence among Laurea UAS employees.

The CPM programme provides an overview of the tasks of the R&I project manager in Laurea, as well as practical instructions and tips on how to lead the project. It takes about 27 hours to complete the MOOC. The training covers topics such as the duties of a project manager, agreements, research ethics, project management, finances, and communications, including best practices in Laurea projects. In addition to the online training programme, Laurea UAS offers post-award support for R&I personnel. Other examples of post-award support are training on different topics and "Coffee and Sympathy" events for RDI personnel as peer support.

Takeaway messages:
The R&I personnel's experience in proposal preparation varies and must be considered at the beginning of the proposal preparation work. It is essential to agree on the contents of support and schedule at the first meeting with the person in charge of the preparation. The competence development of R&I personnel is enabling the success of the project. The personnel are supported through both an online course and various trainings. The support of the service team runs alongside the entire project from the time of preparation.