EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Falling in between

Having an exciting bottom-up research idea, but no place to go


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


From time to time, as a RMA our support is asked for difficult cases. A brilliant researcher, with an exciting idea wants to submit an individual proposal. In the Netherlands, this means either the Dutch Talent Programme or ERC.

Now, to give an example: after defending his PhD thesis a scientist has been working in policy for several years. Returning to academia he finds there are very few options for individual grants, because the period for early-stage-researcher fellowships has passed. But his scientific profile is not up-to-speed for the mid-stage-researcher fellowships. Building on the CV takes a few years, so when he is ready to submit to the mid-stage-researcher fellowships the window of opportunity is limited. And in the advanced stage he is competing with experienced full professors.

Another example: researchers working as lecturer on temporary contracts, again and again until, after several years, they are appointed as assistant professor. Also here, the academic profile is not strong enough for the mid-career options due to the lack of research time and publications, but the eligibility period for the early-career options has passed.

Given that funding agencies put more emphasis on working outside academia and on creating societal impact, the profiles of scientists will change. However, in the individual funding instruments this is not (yet) considered, which is somewhat contradictive.

What options do we have as RMAs to put this on the agenda?

This is something I would like to discuss and get input on. Questions that come up are:
• Do others experience cases like this?
• Should we, through EARMA or another association, open the discussion with funders?
• Do other countries offer options for researchers like this?
• How can we advise these researchers on career development?

My aim is to create a white paper, together with passionate colleagues, that can be used towards funders (e.g. by the Policy & Representation Committee).