EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Myth busting the PI role in an ERC application

Adapting myth busting strategies incorporating the recent changes to ERC application focal points to support PIs


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


The ERC has recently updated its application guidelines and rules for the 2024 application cycle, sparking a series of misconceptions about applicant eligibility and the grant application process. These misconceptions can impact how applicants approach their ERC grant applications, potentially deterring qualified candidates. Misunderstandings skew the development of project concepts, the presentation of project, or engagement with the application process, with detrimental effects on success.

In our Pecha Kucha presentation, we will explore the primary concerns arising from these updates through three distinct case studies. Our talk will share insights from our experience as research funding support staff, highlighting the unique starting points of different Principal Investigators (PIs) shaped by their beliefs, fears, and past experiences. This diversity necessitates flexible support strategies rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

We will specifically focus on the role of the PI, illustrating this through three brief case studies ranging from 'The self-doubting procrastinator' to 'The gifted technician with high aspirations.' These cases will shed light on the varied challenges and strategies in navigating the ERC application process.