EARMA Conference Odense 2024


US Federal Funding - From Cradle to Grave

US Federal Funding - From Cradle to Grave


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


Do you have US federal funding, or are you hoping to host federal awards? Do you struggle with the quagmire of terms, rules, regulations, and policies? This session is for you! We will cover all aspects of US federal funding, from pre-award (the many forms, unique log-ins and budget allocation needed) to post-award (financial and audit), along with tips on making the whole process easier, from people who live and breathe it on a daily basis.

For those of us based in European research institutions, federal funding is a hugely complex subsection of grant funding. US federal sponsors continue to introduce rigorous new requirements for ‘foreign organizations’, and the burden of guaranteeing compliance with federal regulations often falls to those of us in support roles. As a result, research offices not only must be equipped with the information our research communities need – they are often tasked with safeguarding our institutions against the imposition of penalties that will result from a failure to adhere to the Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards.

Don’t panic! Although the information can sometimes seem overwhelming, the policies governing US federal funding are hugely consistent with very little room for ambiguity. Just getting to grips with the basics equips research managers and administrators with the tools they need to navigate this complex environment. Therefore, participants can expect the following takeaways from this session:

1. How to make sure their institutions are prepared to accept federal awards, and how to ensure they remain compliant.
2. How to manage subaward recipients or collaborators when leading proposals, and how to guarantee that your institution is deemed low risk by prime collaborators, especially US institutions.
3. How to support your researchers in preparing applications, and how to successfully manage awards.
4. How to ensure fiscal responsibility with their federal awards.
Topics we will cover include:
• A snapshot of the federal funding agencies best suited to European researchers
• Essential requirements for hosting federal awards (UEI numbers; registrations)
• Application development – guiding your researchers through the preparation of their proposal.
• Internal review of federal applications – tips for success; how to recognise pitfalls.
• Federal compliance (Financial Conflict of Interest; Foreign Interference; new requirements for Foreign Subawards)
• Final Financial Reports (FFRs)
• Payment Management System (PMS) drawdowns
• Eligibility of costs
• Single Audit
• Negotiated indirect cost rates and overheads
This will be an interactive session designed to empower research managers and administrators with the fundamentals they need to support US federal grants. In doing so, it will lift the curtain on complex federal policies and procedures, and offer guidance on how to manage and monitor these awards – from cradle to grave.