EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Global perspectives on research management

Global perspectives on research management: How increased international collaboration is changing the RMA landscape


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances


With global research spending increasing rapidly, and a growing emphasis on international collaboration, university leaders around the world are starting to see the value of building a sustainable research office, along with the RMA role. However, in many respects these positions are still highly adapted to their local research and funding environments.

This session continues the discussion from Springer Nature’s recent white paper “Administrating Change: Global Perspectives on Research Management”, to explore ways in which the landscape of research management is changing, how this differs between regions, and the challenges faced in supporting increased levels of international collaboration.

During the session our panel of research management experts will reflect on their experiences, and share their predictions for the next 5-10 years.

Topics that will be covered include:
- The growing role of research managers and the differences across regions
- Complexities in international research collaborations
- Creating a healthy research environment

Attendees are expected to walk away with:
1. Insights into emerging trends within research management
2. An understanding of any regional differences in the RMA role and how that may affect collaborative working
3. Tips on how international collaboration can be supported by research managers

- Chair: Una Farr, Senior Content Marketing Manager, Springer Nature
- Alasdair Cameron, CEO of ARMA UK (contributor to the white paper)
- Simon Kerridge, Founder of Kerridge Research Consulting & EARMA board member
- Valentina Romano, Head of Division at Politecnico di Torino & leader of the Italian Research Managers network