EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Should Research Data Management be free or costed

The Research Data Management Process: Freemium or Costed? An Irish Technological University example


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Pre-Award)


The jury is out as to whether the time spent by researchers on the Data Management process should be costed or not, and this is becoming an emerging debate within the research management community. This paper examines this question within the context of an Irish Technological University, presenting findings from twenty (20) researchers comprising of Early career Researchers (ECRs) and Established Researchers (ERs) from the AHSS and STEM areas respectively. The dilemma of costing intangible activities such as the Data Management process is examined in detail, as well as the possible implications that come with the same, particularly when most Irish funders do not allocate costs to these activities. Also, a theoretical model of pricing the Data Management process is proposed based on the feedback from the study, providing a template for costing data management in research project management. Recommendations are also put forward on the future of costing of the Data Management process in research management, relevant for funders and research managers.