EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Redefining My Career Pathway

Embracing Personal Values for Purposeful Career Growth: A Journey in Research Management and Administration


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Leadership


As an EU programme manager with a diverse background in research management and administration (RMA), my journey has been shaped by the powerful influence of personal values in defining a purposeful career path. In this interactive session, I invite you to join me as we delve into my experiences and explore the role of values-driven decision-making in the RMA field.

Through a comprehensive case study of my career trajectory, from an EU grant advisor to a strategic advisor for European affairs, I share with you the transformative potential of aligning professional choices with core values. Drawing on key moments that have shaped my journey, such as going through the burn-out, we examine how embracing personal values can lead to meaningful and fulfilling roles in RMA.

This session goes beyond traditional presentations, providing engaging activities that encourage introspection and group discussions. Using personal values tools, we will identify and clarify our individual guiding principles, empowering us to make informed decisions in our professional growth.

Together, we will create a collaborative environment that fosters knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities. By exploring the impact of personal values on leadership styles, professional interactions, and decision-making processes, we can cultivate a more authentic and purpose-driven approach to our roles as RMAs.

As we reflect on the experiences and lessons of my career, I encourage you to apply these insights to your own aspirations. The session will conclude with a collective examination of the value of values-driven decision-making in the RMA field, equipping you with some practical strategies to redefine your career pathways.

Join me on this transformative journey, where we celebrate the significance of personal values in shaping fulfilling and impactful careers in research management and administration. Together, let us embrace our unique values and pave the way for a brighter future as RMAs driven by purpose and authenticity.

Learning outcomes:

-Gain an understanding of a career pathway of an RMA colleague in research management and administration.
-Explore the challenges and opportunities faced by EU programme manager in the ever-evolving research landscape.
-Learn about the significance of personal experiences, instincts, and purpose in shaping a fulfilling career in RMA.
-Discover practical strategies for enhancing personal professional development in a supportive environment within RMA community.
-Reflect on the impact of burnout and how it can lead to personal transformation and contribute to organisational goals.