EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Patient-Centered Innovation in EU funded projects

Patient-Centered Innovation in Clinical Trials funded by the EDCTP and other EU calls.


Lilit Manukyan


  • C
    Cinta Moraleda
  • P
    Pablo Rojo


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


The ongoing pandemic has highlighted two critical aspects in clinical trials: the need for increased efficiency to deliver effective therapies and the importance of involving citizens throughout the process. This abstract focuses on the latter, emphasizing patient engagement's influence on trial outcomes and calling for a reevaluation of the trial process to enhance patient experiences and confidence.
The concept of "beyond the pill" introduces an innovative approach to clinical trials, emphasizing the "Patient Journey" that defines patient touchpoints throughout the trial. Patient Journey Mapping enhances understanding of patient experiences and preferences, recognizing them as primary stakeholders. We focus on Europe and Africa, where the Patient Journey can vary significantly.
In Europe, clinical trials follow strict guidelines under the European Medicines Agency (EMA), with limited patient involvement during protocol development. Improving patient engagement enhances adherence and outcomes.
Africa presents unique complexities, with criticism of trials as racist and colonialist. However, Africa adheres to ethical and quality standards, and community participation is extensive, involving collaboration with leaders and social workers. Prior trial participants act as advisors for subsequent families.
In conclusion, patient understanding and comfort with the trial process lead to better adherence and outcomes. Engaging patients throughout the Patient Journey improves trial results for all stakeholders.
Learning Outcomes:
• Recognize the importance of involving citizens in clinical trials and its impact on outcomes.
• Understand the concept of "beyond the pill" to enhance patient experiences in trials.
• Identify the significance of the Patient Journey in improving trial processes.
• Compare patient engagement practices in Europe and Africa.
• Appreciate the challenges and importance of community participation in African trials.
• Acknowledge patients as primary stakeholders in treatment success.
• Explore strategies to increase patient engagement in trials for better outcomes.