EARMA Conference Odense 2024


CARDEA Framework for Research Manager Careers

CARDEA Framework for Research Manager Careers (RM1 to RM4)


Mary Kate O'Regan



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 20 Minutes

Topic: Professional and Career Development



POLICY INVITATION: The Council conclusions on the New European Research Area NOTES that science management roles “need to be acknowledged and supported via training and career development instruments to optimise job opportunities; and INVITES Member States and the Commission to develop measures in support of career diversification and multiple career paths.”

CARDEA MATRIX FRAMEWORK SOLUTION: The Framework describes four broad profiles, with working titles below. It is envisioned that direct entry through open competition (recruitment) can occur at any level. Opportunities for career development and progression are integrated into the Framework.
RM 1 First Stage Research Manager RM 2 Recognised Research Manager
RM 3 Established Research Manager RM 4 Senior Research Manager

The CARDEA Framework is "sector neutral." The descriptors apply to all Research Managers, independent of where they work in the private or public sector (i.e., large companies, NGOs, SME’s research institutes, research universities or research hospitals amongst others). The framework identifies connections with existing EU policy, necessary and desirable characteristics of the RM role, training and micro credentials, key competency areas and competency proficiency level keys. The CARDEA Framework is applicable and interoperable across a wide range of careers including those in higher education, the private and public sectors.

CORE COMPETENCIES: The following core competencies for Research Management and Research Manager Roles have been identified through the CARDEA Survey and the Ad hoc Action 17 Working Group in Budapest. Training/micro credentials in these areas are recommended in the framework.

• Technical Skills
• Specialised Knowledge
• Project management
• Outreach and community
• Financing/Contracting/Compliance
• Line management and Talent Development
• Communication
• Relationship management
• Traversal Skills

CONNECTION WITH EXISTING POLICY: The CARDEA Research Manager Framework is expected to have a bridging function for the sector-specific, national and institutional frameworks, EU Policies and Recommendations providing a common language to a wide variety of actors across the continent and beyond. The obvious connectivity and synergies between existing EU frameworks and policies is an invitation to include the interoperable and key role of Research Manager within existing and recognised architecture as indicated below:

1. The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment
2. HR Excellence in Research
3. The Fifth freedom
4. The European Skills Agenda

CONCLUSION: A simple and interoperable career framework for Research Managers within the European Research Area (ERA) offers a multitude of benefits. The CARDEA Matrix Framework provides clarity and transparency, allowing research managers to navigate their careers from entry level. By clearly defining levels (RM 1 to RM4), proficiency levels, job families, competencies, and training, it establishes a clear pathway for professional growth and development. Moreover, an interoperable framework ensures consistency and comparability across different research institutions, universities, and Member States, enables implementation, mobility, and exchange of talent within the ERA. The CARDEA Matrix Framework is a fair, open, and transparent framework for all research managers.