EARMA Conference Prague 2023


Varieties of RCR in Europe

Categorization of European research integrity systems


EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Poster

Topic: Open Science & Responsible Research & Innovation


Pressure for regulation and harmonisation of research integrity norms in Europe has greatly increased during the last decade. Also, the need for research integrity training that transgresses national boundaries has increased proportionately.

In this poster, I present a map of the European research integrity landscape. The learning outcome for EARMA Congress participants is to provide a concrete picture of Europe showcasing differences in European research integrity cultures.

For this comparative approach, I have created a categorization for European research integrity systems. The analysis involves, first, the identification of sources of norms – whether the research integrity system in question is a soft-law or judicial system. Second, what are the competences of national bodies and to what extent the national scientific community is participating in the process of drafting and interpreting the norms that guide good scientific conduct. Third, what is the role of international co-learning. The role of international co-learning is assessed by using the following criteria: country representation in the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO) and research integrity promotion related Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects.

In my four case studies, Finland represents self-regulatory system where national research integrity body has a strong role in coordinating national-level initiatives and good scientific practice. The Netherlands represents a multipolar self-regulatory system. France represents a judicial system where the national research body has only limited competence in coordinating national practice, and Lithuania represents a judicial system where the national body has extensive mandate to impact the drafting of norms and to interpret the norms once they are in force.

The presentation is based on my PhD study, in which I investigate the similarities and divergencies in European research integrity systems and the possibilities of research integrity training to overcome observed differences.