EARMA Conference Prague 2023


What is Lobbying?

Lobbying and Horizon Europe


Sylvia McCarthy



EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Oral 60 Minutes

Topic: Policy, Strategy, Evaluation and Foresight

Session: 🟢 1️⃣ What is Lobbying? by Sylvia McCarthy

Tuesday 25 April 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (UTC)


Lobbying plays a key role in defining the structure of Horizon Europe. But it remains a concept that causes confusion. Anyone who wants to participate and influence the EU decision-making process must be a lobbyist. Understanding the background to Pillar II topics and monitoring the process is a good starting point. However, RMAs and researchers must use and develop upon this knowledge. Successful Pillar II proposals depend on this insight.

This presentation analyses the routes by which research feeds into the EU policy making process. The decisions are made by the Committees, the Units, the Working Groups of the European institutions, but they rely on public affairs representatives (lobbyists) for clear evidence to support these decisions. Understanding lobbying is crucial for researchers who must define how their outputs will be exploited and disseminated to the relevant stakeholders in the EU policy making process.