EARMA Conference Prague 2023


Career changes for mature RMAs

What are you looking for? Unlocking the potential and developing futuristic visions of the profession in RMA and exploring what may lie ahead


Susi Poli


  • J
    Juliane Sauer


EARMA Conference Prague 2023

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Professional Development and Recognition

Session: 🟣 Pecha Kucha Session on Professional Development and Recognition topics

Tuesday 25 April 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. (UTC)


This presentation aims to discuss a futuristic vision of the profession in RMA which fits the contemporary age and the complexity and variety of the issues at stake (a global pandemic, geopolitical treats, nomadic forms of work, hybrid/blended formats or tools, a new understanding of work-life balance and so on).
This presentation is therefore aimed at experienced and mature RMAs who have already equipped themselves with a broad range of skills and surfaced a wide range of professional experiences, in and out of the profession. These individuals may feel stuck, or undecided about the next phase of their career or simply wishing to do something that they cannot still understand in full.
Therefore, we aim to discuss not only about roles and identities, including the multiple ones that may hold you back or just confuse you; but also, about the set of past and future skills, that you may feel you need; in addition, we want to cover issues of LLL and mature professionals that find themselves stuck or simply in need of refreshing themselves with something exciting.
To do so, we’ll showcase a list of stories (approximately 5) of RMAs who have changed their career and made the big jump into the unknown or into the wild of other sectors and professions, within the profession or beyond.
The stories will be collected through structured interviews; and compared with concepts found in the body of literature on RMA. The stories will guide the audience through a maze of opportunities even telling you how these opportunities can be replicated or seized.
To showcase these stories, we’ll use digital tools and visualisation of what we are going to tell you in these stories (e.g., Padlet, Flinga, but also digital mapping).