EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Lead the way, RMA!

Lead the way, RMA! The recognition of RMAs is already here. And it serves many purposes.


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Leadership


Ten years ago, we witnessed the emergence of RMAs as a profession, accompanied by discussions about future career recognition and specialization in various roles.

Today, we find ourselves still contemplating the future, as it is intrinsic to our human condition, but for different reasons. The recognition of RMAs in R&I institutions has never been stronger, bolstered by expanded networks, targeted training programs, and global associations.

Is it not time for us to elevate the profession's status and position RMAs as valuable assets across different institutions and careers?

When perusing job descriptions across multiple companies, we often encounter similar descriptors for the ideal professional: team player, accountable, organized, resilient, trend-savvy, and more. What many companies and organizations have yet to realize is that RMA professionals possess most of these traits and skills, and then some.

Despite the profession's specialization, RMAs must continually develop a wide array of skills, not only to stay abreast of business trends but also to master abilities that transcend specific roles, both current and those yet to be conceived. The challenge, therefore, lies in effectively promoting the profession's inherent value. With the advent of AI, it is likely that transitions will occur, and professionals may need to adapt to evolving job descriptions.

The future of the RMA profession may appear paradoxical. While recognition may entail further training and increased funding, it also requires us to market RMA talents for diverse roles. As AI skills become more accessible, some may choose different career paths. Consequently, current and future RMA leaders must prepare for these changes, nurturing talent in an ever-evolving landscape. Nonetheless, the profession will emerge stronger, guiding institutions worldwide, promoting best practices, advocating for innovation, and underscoring the importance of research in enhancing our communities.

Throughout years of honing our skills as RMAs, we have grown into more proficient professionals and leaders, becoming invaluable assets to any organization. Now, it is our responsibility to lead the way boldly into the future.