EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Twinning for RMAs career development

Twinning and its potential for RMAs career development: Case study based on the CANVAS project


Izabela Raszczyk


  • C
    CANVAS project partners


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Collaboration and Strategic Alliances


Excellent research and innovation centres have a well-organised research support ecosystem. The poster presentation will outline the approach of the EU-funded Twinning project "Enhancing Cancer Vaccine Science for New Therapy Pathways" (CANVAS) conducted in the frame of the Twinning call of Horizon Europe with regard to exchange of good practice and improvement of research management skills in the institutions involved.
CANVAS aims to raise the scientific profile, networking, and research management competencies at the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (ICCVS) at the University of Gdańsk (UG), Poland in order to achieve improved research excellence in cancer vaccine science. The project wants to contribute to reduction of the disparities in R&I in Europe. Networking activities with European research partners: University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (France) and a biotech start-up Real Research (Poland) are at the core of the project to foster intersectoral knowledge transfer for innovative translational research approaches. A joint research pilot study is expected to provide findings for a novel patient tailored therapy of non-small cell lung cancer.
A strong focus on upgrade of grant writing and research management skills has been planned to improve long-term competitiveness in obtaining funding at the Widening institution and in collaboration with the Twinning partners. In CANVAS a separate work package is dedicated to help pursue this objective. Although still being on the way of a project under implementation, we want to reflect on the aspects: What challenges do we encounter? What do we learn? What is the added value for RMAs from the Widening and non-Widening Twinning partners? How does such an effort align with other European initiatives? The presentation intends to trigger ideas for future applicants for Twinning or similar tools to help design the content of prospective Twinning grants referring to the upgrade for research management and administration in such a way as to provide not only an upskilling of research management skills among researchers but also a platform for a development of RMA skills and RMA careers in the participating institutions.