EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Turning Research into an Awarded Proposal

Navigating Success: Preparing and submitting a successful proposal for a catalan prize call for a patented instrument from the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).


Eulalia Pujades-Otero



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Operations and Planning


In the world of Research Management and Administration (RMA), one of the most important things is creating and sending proposals for research projects or awards. This is a big part of what makes academic and institutional success possible.

This is a story about our journey to win a special prize from a Catalan cluster and it shows how RMA is really important in achieving that success. Our experience shows how much work, smart planning, and attention to detail it takes to create a proposal that wins. We will explain all the steps the RMA went through, making sure our proposal matched the award conditions and dealing with all the complicated paperwork.

The main points we want to share from our experience are:

- Finding the Right Funding/Awards opportunities: Effective RMA means looking for money for research that matches what our group/institution is good at. We learned that it is important to actively search for these opportunities.

- Working Together on the Proposal: It is very important that researchers and RMA professionals teamed up to create a proposal that not only met the calls/awards conditions but also followed strict rules about ethics and compliance.

- Dealing with Tricky Administrative Stuff: Sometimes, there are tough administrative tasks to tackle on the way to success. RMA team must handle complex paperwork and submit the proposal on time and following the rules.

- Celebrating Our Win: Winning a prize (or funding), is not just a win for the research group but also for our institution. This experience shows how RMA plays a role in celebrating success and managing the rewards.

For the group of people behind this award, the most important aspect of winning is the recognition of the innovation potential of the idea and for all the effort and work associated with the project. It is also worth mentioning that this award has contributed to gaining visibility and exposure for the project, what gives us more credibility and reputation when looking for potential partners, interested companies or investors to seek for collaborations that would finally lead to commercial exploitation of our technology or to reach agreements to transfer the technology use by sale or license of the patent.

Our journey from getting ready to win the prize shows how RMA and great research go hand in hand. It proves that careful RMA practices can turn a proposal into a real accomplishment, helping our institution move forward in its mission to expand knowledge and recognition.