EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Post Award in a changing world

How to prepare a Post Award team for the ever evolving landscape of funder rules and regulations


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Post-Award)


Who is Post Award? What support functions does Post Award provide? With funder rules becoming more complex and research administration evolving the classical tasks that fell under post award change with them. The tools that post award units can fall back on have become more developed which leads to teams being able to focus on other tasks or add other founders to the portfolio. From a team manager perspective, a new pressure has additionally entered the room, which is to create a balance between not overwhelming the team with too much change but also push for development and introduce new tools to work more efficiently. New job opportunities have been created that are linked to Post Award, which is creating additional possibilities to grow and for staff and research administration within Post Award is becoming more of a career.

The presentation is split into two parts the first part will focus on the team leader perspective on change and how to best prepare the team for it. We will share several examples and ideas how to set up an agile team within a Post Award unit. The second part will focus on how the Post award unit at Queen Mary University London is set up, after having been through recent restructures, with the focus of having an international team ready to shift in whatever decision would be made around association to Horizon Europe.