EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Facilitate multidisciplinarity to maximize impact

How to enhance the impact of research by helping to break silos: Examples of facilitating multidisciplinarity


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


A highly interesting development within the various roles RMA can take, is the capacity to guide and accompany researchers in the development of their impact journey. There are various ways to support researchers during this journey. One of them is to facilitate multidisciplinarity within project consortia and/or within institutions.

In this presentation we show examples of institutional and individual ways to encourage multidisciplinary thinking. How do we make different disciplines brainstorm together on common projects? How do we assure that researchers integrate perspectives from different disciplines to maximise the impact of their research? Which methods are helpful for multidisciplinary ideation sessions?

Where are the eventual difficulties that might arise from different languages and practices used between different research domains? And how may RMA help to overcome these misunderstandings? How can RMA help to break the silos of different disciplines?

Learning outcome: University of Venice, University of Copenhagen and Graz University of Technology compare their institutional experiences and present a set of recommendations on how to facilitate mulitdisciplinarity in order to enhance and maximise impact.