EARMA Conference Odense 2024


RM opportunities across Europe

Professional development opportunities for Research Managers across Europe


Cristina Oliveira



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Professional and Career Development


The RM Roadmap is an EU-funded project to shape the future of research management (RM) in Europe and build a supportive community to bring this vision to life. As part of this mission, RM Roadmap will facilitate a collaborative effort to define the future of RM through a comprehensive roadmap, as well as provide the community with information about existing opportunities for training, networking, funding, and career advancement.

This poster offers an initial overview of professional development opportunities designed for RM across Europe. The data presented has been collected and analyzed in the last year by NOVA University Lisbon, the partner institution leading this work package of the project. The information was gathered through a combination of literature reviews, desk research, and an online template, which was completed by RMs, RM associations, and other relevant stakeholders in the field.

The poster presentation will offer a comprehensive overview of professional development opportunities for RM) in Europe, categorized into five key domains: Training, Mobility, Networking, Funding, and RM Networks. Using visually compelling data representation, we delve into several critical aspects:
• Diverse Opportunities for Experience Levels: We analyze opportunities catering to professionals at various levels of experience and seniority in the RM profession;
• Specialization and reach: We examine the geographical coverage and thematic focus of training programs, trying to identify areas where training is lacking/ nonexistent;
• Cost and Accessibility: Our analysis extends to the accessibility of these opportunities, exploring factors that may affect participation of the RM community

Furthermore, our findings include preliminary conclusions, prompting visitors to contemplate their own professional development pathways. Preliminary insights include:
- Training Dynamics: most of the training offers for RM listed were created in the last 3 years. This shows that there is a high demand for training in RMs and that this is a dynamic field where substantial progress may;
- RM Network Landscape: the existence of close to 100 Research Management networks and associations across Europe. This may suggest that there is already a certain level of organization and representativity of RM communities, although with some level of invisibility.

In addition to presenting information and promoting discussion, our poster actively invites visitors to participate in the mapping exercise and directly engage with the RM Roadmap project. Through a simple QR code, visitors can fill in an online template with information about any additional training, mobility, or networking opportunities they are familiar with. This collaborative input will significantly enrich our dataset, encompassing insights from all participating countries at the EARMA conference, resulting in a more comprehensive resource for everyone involved.

Learning outcomes:
- Increased awareness of the RM Professional Development Opportunities:
- Recognize the dynamic nature of RM in Europe, as reflected in the recent surge in training programs, indicating high demand and ongoing progress
- Explore the existence of numerous Research Management networks and associations in Europe, revealing insights into the organization and representation within RM communities.
- Engage in the RM Roadmap project, and actively participate in the collection of information on RM Professional Development Opportunities in their country