EARMA Conference Odense 2024


How to empower would-be Scientrepreneurs

Increase Entrepreneurial awareness among academics - a Research Department Perspective


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Poster

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


The Computational Health Center (CHC) is part of Helmholtz Munich, a member of Germany’s largest scientific organization, the Helmholtz Association. The CHC, which also hosts the national coordination office of the Helmholtz AI platform, is a dynamic environment with scientists developing novel computational tools powered by AI to accelerate discovery and translation into innovative diagnostics and treatments for human diseases.

In accordance with ERA’s Policy Agenda 2022-2024, we aim to encourage knowledge valorisation, notably through leverage of the commercial potential of scientific achievements.
This, notably by training scientists to adopt an Entrepreneurial spirit and detect market opportunities.

Over the last years, we tailored approaches to our particular scientific community and
developed different strategies to determine and enhance the awareness and motivation of our researchers to become a spin-off founder, for instance webinars, communication format and other unique ways to engage and educate.

We would like to initiate a continental discussion with other European research institutes on challenges and achievement from local initiatives aimed at instilling an entrepreneurial spirit over a research community.