EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Digitalisation in the office



EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future


There's a lot of talk about it, but how can we implement it, what are the benefits and how is it accepted by colleagues? When we introduced the cloud-based project management application Monday.com we learned a lot and achieved substantial benefits.

Our institute (Computational Health Center powered by AI at Helmholtz Munich) was facing the challenge of coordinating and processing a variety of HR tasks (over 300 per year) ranging from new contracts, extensions, modifications, exits. It was apparent that a suitable tool accessible by involved employees would be very beneficial, to avoid isolated and disconnected work streams and have a transparent, complete and traceable process for personnel measures.

This talk will describe how our evaluation and implementation was done and how we introduced it within the institute. It outlines a few use cases described below and characterizes the improvements we were able to gain.

· Hiring process with notification of involved employees and HR department

· Onboarding process

· Ordering process

Initial reservations among colleagues soon vanished into thin air while working with and getting used to the project management tool. Transparency should not be confused with control. Transparency also means faster, easier work. Here it is up to the employer and managers to take away the employee's fears. Most of the colleagues were slightly critical at first, but quickly found it fun and useful themselves, once they realized that even as an employee they can influence processes and make suggestions for improvement, which are quickly implemented after coordination within the team.

In this way, agile working and digitalization at the workplace are not just phrases, but the employees themselves work on them.