EARMA Conference Odense 2024


SUPEResearchMANagement pre-&post-award join forces

Crossing pre- and post- award knowledge for optimization of proposal development processes: a case study


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Fifteen-Minute Discussion Tables

Topic: Research Cycle Support Services (Transversal)


What is the ideal combination of knowledge from pre- and post- award experts (i.e. Grants Advisors and Project Managers), to best support research project output of the scientific community?
The case study presented in this Round Table discussion revolves around optimization of a cross-expert based process for funding acquisition. Recognizing i. the specificities of the two expert domains (pre- and post-award), and ii. the huge potential of optimizing together the acquisition processes, the best strategy for integrating this knowledge and designing way-of-working model(s) is still to be identified. Main questions are i. When and ii. How in the funding acquisition chain can the combined expertise be most effective?

Integrating knowledge from the two domains of pre- and post-award can often time be challenging, for multiple reasons: the related experts might belong to different units/departments, and they are likely to focus their efforts on specific phases of a given initiative, i.e. either proposal development or project execution. Also the language of the two expert areas shows important differences, even when referring to the same concepts.
However, the ideal combination of knowledge would lead to a cross-expertise based process that would really maximize the impact of the Research Managers’ community, scope funding acquisition. It is therefore deemed crucial to find way-of-working model(s) that can make such cross-expertise collaboration a reality, ultimately inspiring collaboration model(s) for other Research Managers, expanded beyond the funding acquisition processes.

The case study presented in this Round Table discussion is the Cross-expertise Collaboration Model conceived by grants advisors and project managers within the Strategic Business Development department at the University of Twente. The model is a pilot based on the experiences so far gathered in Horizon Europe applications, with a focus on RIA, IA and MSCA initiatives. Notably, the model is designed to provide a flexible structure to the efforts of pre- and post-award experts in the framework of the funding acquisition process, by including different routes for cross-experts collaboration in a given step and different degrees of involvement.

Format of the proposed Round Table discussion includes a first introduction to the model, followed by a brainstorm discussion with the audience. Participants will be asked to share input on the case study and views on the ideal combination of pre- and post-award experts in the funding acquisition chain, based on own experiences from different institutions (and related structures/processes).

There are multiple learning outcomes for participants to the Round Table discussion: i. Optimized proposal development service(s) and processe(s), through the integration of expertise from both pre- and post-award perspectives; ii. Empowered Research Manager community, whose contribution to the goals of own institution is valorized through cross-expertise collaboration; iii. Enhanced preparedness of the organization, on aspects related to both funding acquisition strategy and project execution; iv. Optimized resource planning and expectation management, through the involvement of relevant experts at early stage (at the appropriate degree); v. Stimulated cross-expertise way-of working, through inspiration for similar cross-expertise initiatives, potentially applied to different processes and in different structures.