EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Democratisation of lobbying

Democratisation of Lobbying: Evolution of the Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Policy Landscape in Brussels


Massimo Busuoli


  • S
    Silvia Gomez Recio - YERUN Secretary General


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Oral 30 Minutes

Topic: Operations and Planning


In the dynamic landscape of Brussels' higher education, research, and innovation sectors, the practice of lobbying has undergone a profound transformation over the past two decades. This transformation has brought about significant shifts in the roles, strategies, and dynamics involved in influencing policy decisions. The European Union's policymaking arena is no longer the exclusive domain of traditional players; instead, it has become a more inclusive and democratic space.

In this evolving landscape, various stakeholders, including representatives of research agencies, network organizations, and universities, now engage actively in lobbying efforts. The once secretive and informal networking processes conducted behind closed doors have given way to a more transparent and democratic approach where the targets of the actions have also changed and are today not limited to the EC only.

Today, a much wider span of actors with a stake or a voice in these domains has a platform to express their views and contribute to policymaking.

This transition towards a more democratic lobbying process has led to increased cooperation and co-creation among Member States, stakeholders, associated countries, and the European Commission. Continuous dialogues within the European Research Area (ERA) Forum exemplify this shift, fostering an environment where dialogue and collaboration are the norm.

However, this democratisation of lobbying also comes with a growing need for professionalism and strategic engagement. Stakeholders must now navigate a more complex and bureaucratic landscape, where presenting well-reasoned positions and engaging effectively in the policymaking process have become paramount. Furthermore, there is an increasing emphasis on being proactive, staying informed about policy agendas, and actively shaping the discourse.

The proposed presentation will shed light on the transformation of lobbying in the field of higher education, research, and innovation within the EU context. It will highlight the importance of embracing this democratisation while adapting to the evolving landscape, analysing the evolution in time of the adopted approaches to perform networking and remain at the forefront of policy discussions and agenda-setting.