EARMA Conference Odense 2024


Changing scope and quality of data in CRIS systems

Changing scope and quality of data in CRIS systems – evolution or revolution?


James Toon


  • S
    Svetlana Tcareva


EARMA Conference Odense 2024

Format: Pecha Kucha

Topic: IT Systems and tools supporting RMA now and in the future


The past few decades have witnessed a transformation in the way research information management is perceived and managed. Organisations worldwide are increasingly relying on data to make informed decisions, optimise operations and to gain a competitive edge.

From early use of institutional repository systems to complex data integration challenges across the research information entity model, this presentation traces the evolution of CRIS/RIM data needs and related quality issues over the past decade. It highlights the pivotal role that collection scope, data quality and standardisation has played in the development of research information management practice, the impact of assessment and compliance, and the growth of research information management as a service category.

The presentation explores noted changes in these data requirements for institutions via global customer surveys taken through the lens of Elsevier’s Pure system. The presentation delves into changes over time and the impact RIM management has had on data quality. We will provide a summary of key use cases such as the support for institutional reputation management, developing collaboration, research information data analytics and other forms of business intelligence.

This presentation will provide conference attendees with an overview of the journey that CRIS/RIM data has undertaken, from its early challenges to its present-day format. We invite attendees to engage in discussions about the evolving landscape of CRIS/RIM data and the strategies institutions can take to harness the full potential of their data in supporting institutional objectives.